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That Damn Notch Banner Image That Damn Notch A dead-simple way I'm dealing with the iPhone X "I switched the sidebar of the site to a dark color last week. It's a small change, but I think it sets off the content better than the previous sea of white. Here's how easy it is..." πŸ—“οΈ February 14, 2019 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Jekyll Mojave Dark Mode in Safari Banner Image Mojave Dark Mode in Safari Come to the dark side If you haven’t heard, macOS Mojave has a dark mode. A lot of apps support dark mode, and there are hooks in [upcoming version of Safari][3] that πŸ—“οΈ November 30, 2018 🏷️ Safari🏷️ Dark Mode🏷️ CSS🏷️ Jekyll Saving Instagram Posts to the Blog Banner Image Saving Instagram Posts to the Blog Just in case Facebook goes away I’m not a super heavy Instagram user, but I do occasionally post. When I do, I like to save what post to this blog. Why? Maybe because I’m not a πŸ—“οΈ November 1, 2018 🏷️ Instagram🏷️ Shortcuts🏷️ iOS🏷️ Automation🏷️ Jekyll
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