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IFTTT to Mastodon Test These instructions are for Zapier, but I did it with IFTTT. Methods are the same. I was thinking of a way to test this, and figured hey – might as well just put up a link post to the tutorial. 🗓️ December 5, 2022 🔗 🏷️ Automation🏷️ Mastodon🏷️ IFTTT🏷️ Linked List Mastodon Banner Image Mastodon Just like the year of Linux on the desktop, this is the year of a federated social media platform OK, listen… The stuff Elon Musk is doing over at Twitter is bat-shit crazy. He’s trying a hundred things a day, and they’re all failing miserably. I 🗓️ November 14, 2022 🏷️ Social Media🏷️ Twitter🏷️ Mastodon
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