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What’s a /uses page? It’s exactly what you think it is. This is a catalog of the tools I use in my world. This list includes the professional and personal apps, sites, and services that keep my life on track and help get my work done. For more /uses pages, check out

This Blog

  • Built by Blot, a static site generator
  • Using a customized version of the Magazine theme
  • Everything is written in Markdown
  • Files are kept on GitHub
  • Files are pushed to GitHub using Working Copy on iOS and Terminal or GitHub Desktop on Mac

Text Editors

Writing everything in common .md files means I can create and edit them anywhere

Other Apps

  • Keyboard Maestro for automating all sorts of fun stuff (Mac)
  • Better Touch Tool for a couple of very specific use cases (Mac)
  • Hazel is constantly moving and organizing files for me (Mac)
  • Omnifocus keeps me sane (iOS and Mac)
  • DEVONThink is crazy powerful. Ugly as sin, but it’s a great tool
  • Obsidian is my current notes tool. Really getting into Zettlekasten, and Obsidian lets me do it with simple Markdown files.
  • Toggl tracks my time at work. I keep things tagged so at the end of the month I can see how much time I spent on each project.
  • Slack because my job requires it
  • Trello for work and personal stuff
  • SetApp subscription that provides me with tons of utilities (including Better Touch Tool)


Work Setup

Personal Setup

I also use a Switchdeck KVM switch that my keyboard, mouse, trackpad, StreamDeck, webcam speakers, and 42″ 4K monitor are plugged into. This is attached to my work and home machines. One button, and everything moves between setups.


Links on this page may be affiliate links. Affiliate links allow you to buy things for the normal price, and I get a couple pennies out of the deal.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 © 2007- Jimmy Little Support me on Ko-fi