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WeekNotes 20-31

The Week, Mostly In Order


  • Still no results fro C’s Covid test. Still bullshit.
  • Slowly easing into a morning routine.
  • C and I decided over the weekend to take a few days and drive to the east coast. We can work from wherever in Coronatimes, so we’re heading east so my family can see little G. They haven’t been able to see him since last November. We were supposed to go in March for my neice’s birthday, and again in June for her high school graduation. Both trips were obviously scrapped, so we’re road tripping!


  • Ordered some decals and pinstriping for the Gladiator. Dressing it up a little for the road trip.
  • Added a few extra minutes to the morning routine. I’m experimenting with different activities, and which order I should do them in.
  • Started Doom Patrol” on HBO. It’s not bad. Since no new TV is being released any time soon, I’ll start watching shows I normally wouldn’t.


  • G is back in daycare today. He’s been cleared by the doctors, despite the fact that C still hasn’t gotten her test results.
  • Having a full day to actually work is nice. I really feel for the parents who can’t or choose not to send tehir toddlers off to daycare.


  • Nice series of earthquakes this morning. 4.2 magnitude about 10 miles away, and a couple dozen aftershocks.
  • Reminder that we need to update our emegency kits in the house and vehicles. I know what I’m doing this weekend.


  • End of another week, and no COVID test results. Doesn’t anyone realize that taking over two weeks to get results back for a highly contagious virus is basically like doing no testing at all?
  • Starting a buildout of the Gladiator’s bed organizer. The plan is to get a couple storage drawers and a nice flat area to haul gear without worrying about the wheelwells.

Online Readings

🗓️ August 2, 2020 🏷️ Weeknotes
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