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WeekNotes 20-32

The Week, Mostly In Order


  • Got some new hood decals for the Gladiator. Excited to get them installed
  • After the weekend, the truck is getting pretty close to ready for the trip
  • I’m figuring out how to prepare for this: If we’re on the other side of the country and there’s another pandemic lockdows, what can we do?


  • Spending some time this evening to set down a route for the trip. Relying heavily on and and for interesting things to drive by and where to stay along the way. We’ll have to be flexible with the dog and the baby, so all bookings will need to have free cancellations.
  • Spending some time this evening to set down a route for the trip. Relying heavily on and and AAAs TripTik for interesting things to drive by and where to stay along the way. We’ll have to be flexible with the dog and the baby, so all bookings will need to have free cancellations.


  • Terrible morning routine today. Did not want to get out of bed, but I did. Just not as early as I like.
  • Need to figure out a realistic morning routine while on the road in a hotel with sleeping baby and lady.


  • It’s G’s 2nd birthday! Hard to believe he’s already two. Took some cupcakes to his day care, but ist’s sad that there’s only 3 or 4 kids there because of the pandemic. At least we’re able to do a family birthday this weeknd.


  • Spent lots of time organizing my work computer. Getting a lot of stuff moved off the SSD and into the corporate OneDrive cloud. It’s really amazing how many documents you accumulate that you will probably never need again.


  • Gary’s 2nd birthday party” today. It’s a small backyard thing with immediate family, because of COVID. Sucks that he can’t have all his friends over, but we want to be safe.


  • Nice rest day. A little TV, a little housecleaning, a little Road Trip planning.

Online Readings

  • Spent my online time this week watching YouTube videos about road trips and Jeep mods. Not a very academic week 🤣
🗓️ August 10, 2020 🏷️ Weeknotes
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