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Were you at the Inauguration?

If you were one of the almost 2 million in the crowd, there’s a good chance you can pick yourself out of this photo

The whole story is in his blog, but long story short, photographer David Bergman clamped a camera to the rail, took 200+ high resolution pictures and let some cool Mac software take over.

Using the Gigapan software, a Macbook pro chugged along for six hours to come up with the near 1500 megapixel image.  The image is currently on David’s blog as well as the lead image on the Gigapan site, where you can zoom and pan from a vista of humanity, all the way to Yo-Yo Ma taking a picture with my favorite little phone.

🗓️ January 24, 2009 🏷️ Photography
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 © 2007- Jimmy Little Support me on Ko-fi