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As Time Goes By, 2017 Edition Banner Image

As Time Goes By, 2017 Edition

It’s November, so it’s time to talk about my social media habits again. I did this in 2016, 2012. and 2010.

Here’s the 2017 edition:

  • Still using Tweetbot. It works with my brain and is always rock-solid.
  • Twitter is here for official” Twitter stuff like polls. Still don’t really like the app.
  • I keep a home screen shortcut to I deleted the Facebook app a while ago because I don’t like the thought of Facebook hooks into my location, photos, etc. Using it in Mobile Safari with content blockers enabled works just fine and allows me to avoid cross-site ads, location trackers, and other creepy things.
  • Pinterest is there to look at fancy furniture I want to build, and we used it a lot planning the wedding.
  • Instagram is hanging around. Trying again (for the 23,894th time) to get into Instagram.
  • Snapchat is still there, but I realized I haven’t logged in and can’t remember my password.
  • LinkedIn because I work in corporate America.

So there you have it. I still consider these time wasters, hence the ⏰🚽 folder title. I am happy that I’m a lot more streamlined in my social media usage these days. I no longer auto-post tweets to Facebook. I do crosspost Instagram to Facebook, but my Twitter audience is ay different than my Facebook friends list, so mixing those conversations became toxic at times. Ignore the second screen of this folder - it’s full of games.







🗓️ November 1, 2017 🏷️ Social
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