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It's Not About The Porn

Today, Republicans (and only Republicans) voted to strip the American people of their privacy online.

That’s the only way to look at it.

Because they are in the pocket of internet service providers (ISPs), 215 Republicans voted to allow Comcast, AT&T, Verizon, Charter, and a thousand other companies that provide you with internet access to sell your personal information without your consent to the highest bidder.

This information includes your financial information, location, social security numbers, your entire web browsing history, non-encrypted chats and emails, and even the traffic of your mobile apps.

This means if you search for how to quit smoking”, your ISP can sell that to your insurance company, and the insurance company can raise your rate or drop you for being a smoker. It means that ISPs can see your private messages and drop more creepy ads into your Facebook newsfeed.

This is one more step in Trumpland’s march toward a police state.

There is zero reason for this except the greed of the ISPs and the people they are paying off. The arguement is that the ISPs want to follow the same edge provider” rules that Facebook, Google, Apple, LinkedIn, etc. get to follow. Those companies are allowed to capture and sell your data, and they do. ISPs say they should be able to do that, too.

If you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about”


The problem is, I can get online without Google or Facebook. I can’t get online without an ISP. And no, it’s not about the porn.

🗓️ March 28, 2017 🏷️ Internet 🏷️ Politics 🏷️ Privacy
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