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Banner image with the text "Ten Years" in white on a green background and blue and yellow stripes at the top and bottom, crossing at a slight angle. The background of the image is a green-tinted bear from the California state flag. Ten Years Am I a Californian Yet? Ten years ago this week, we packed up our apartment and my furniture shop into a big-ass Uhaul and drove from Brooklyn to Los Angeles to start a fun πŸ—“οΈ July 14, 2024 🏷️ Personal The End of Twitter? Banner Image The End of Twitter? Lots of people are jumping off Twitter because of <<reasons>>, but where are they going? Twitter is a shit show right now. Those of us who have been around for a while know that Twitter is on metaphorical life support right now. Elon πŸ—“οΈ November 18, 2022 🏷️ Personal 139 Fridays Banner Image 139 Fridays It's been 32 months since I've been to the office. That ends this week! It’s been 139 Fridays since the world shut down on March 13, 2020. I’ll always remember that date because it was a Friday the 13th. Heh. About 83 πŸ—“οΈ November 15, 2022 🏷️ Personal 52 Fridays Banner Image 52 Fridays Weird year, huh? Fifty-two weeks ago, my company sent us home. We got an email from the big boss saying, essentially, β€œwork from home until further notice.”1 That πŸ—“οΈ March 12, 2021 🏷️ personal 2020 Year In Review Banner Image 2020 Year In Review What a shit show... Well, 2020 is drawing to a close, and I for one am ready. πŸ—“οΈ December 19, 2020 🏷️ Personal Vegas, Baby! Banner Image Vegas, Baby! Well, Quarantine. It's just like Vegas! Happy birthday to my favorite lady! This picture is from her last birthday, when we celebrated in Vegas. We’re locked in and unable to celebrate in πŸ—“οΈ April 9, 2020 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Instagram🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Born to Travel Banner Image Born to Travel Off to Mamaw and Papaw’s πŸ—“οΈ December 21, 2019 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Instagram🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Happy Birthday, Little Man Banner Image Happy Birthday, Little Man One year ago today, this lady finished 36 crazy hours of labor bringing this little dude into the world. They’re both pretty awesome πŸ—“οΈ August 6, 2019 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Instagram🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Happy Anniversary Banner Image Happy Anniversary Happy Anniversary to this lady. Wife, mother, best friend. πŸ—“οΈ August 17, 2018 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Isabelle Banner Image Isabelle She had a great run On February 27, the Age of Isabelle ended. πŸ—“οΈ February 27, 2018 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Dogs Never 'Never Forget' Banner Image Never 'Never Forget' 16 Years I took this picture from the Brooklyn Promenade on September 11, 2003. The Promenade is about 3 blocks from my old Brooklyn apartment where I lived πŸ—“οΈ September 11, 2017 🏷️ Personal New ride! Banner Image New ride! Don’t ask me to help you move πŸ—“οΈ April 6, 2017 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro So, this is where we're getting married! Banner Image So, this is where we're getting married! #TheLittleBigDay @carlybracco πŸ—“οΈ March 21, 2017 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Landed! Banner Image Landed! Now off to plan a wedding with @carlybracco! #TheLittleBigDay πŸ—“οΈ March 19, 2017 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Candle hoarder Banner Image Candle hoarder Today, now that the power has been out for a few hours and it’s starting to get dark, I am happy @carlybracco is a candle hoarder πŸ—“οΈ February 18, 2017 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Five years have flown by. This lady is my favorite. Banner Image Five years have flown by. This lady is my favorite. πŸ—“οΈ November 3, 2016 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Birthday's off to a good start Banner Image Birthday's off to a good start Birthday’s off to a good start πŸ—“οΈ January 15, 2016 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Santa Monica Banner Image Santa Monica πŸ—“οΈ May 28, 2015 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Dogs🏷️ Micro May or may not be out-posing a snow man Banner Image May or may not be out-posing a snow man @carlybracco may or may not be out-posing a snowman. #timehop πŸ—“οΈ December 30, 2014 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Date night! Banner Image Date night! πŸ—“οΈ February 2, 2014 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro Jaime's Birthday Banner Image Jaime's Birthday Jaime’s Birthday πŸ—“οΈ March 2, 2011 πŸ”— Instagram 🏷️ Personal🏷️ Micro It's been a while... TV vs Tarzan It's gonna be a busy month, but I'll try to keep things updated. πŸ—“οΈ September 29, 2008 🏷️ Personal
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