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Thanks For Nine Great Seasons!

First, let me say that DSI has been a great experience. Despite working four 20 hour days and three 12 hour days every week, and getting little sleep and even less of a social life, it has been a blast!

I just want to take a second to thank the entire crew of this monster we call Don’t Sweat It. I have made not only great professional contacts in my time here, but a few close friends as well. From the early days when tightening a banister or installing a peep hole were the projects, to the last few seasons where we did incredible multi-room makeovers in just two days, the crew has always been the reason this show gets done.

Back in the day, I had my carpentry crew, lovingly dubbed The Wood Carnival. The original crew of me, Shaun, Kyle, and Mitch got this show running smoothly in the first couple of seasons. Many have come and gone over the years, but one thing is for sure: I have the best damn carpenters in television helping me out behind the scenes. I’m sure I’m missing someone, but I’d like to thank Shaun, Kyle, Mitch, Eamonn, Casey, Brad Z, Chris D, Brad S, Bryce, Keith, and everyone else who has helped out on my crew. You made it happen.

Speaking of making it happen, the Production Assistants on this show are by far the hardest working in television. They are the first to arrive, they lay plywood and paper to protect the house, set up catering, set up tents and tables, then they unload construction materials, carry trash, paint, sweep, vacuum, clean, and even help build. Then they do it all in reverse to wrap out at the end of two very long days. No PAs work harder, and if you think they do, you are just plain wrong.

I’d also like to mention the production team. Our producers and directors are the best at what they do, and somehow make a comprehensive story out of the chaos that Steve and I cause daily. I don’t know how you do it, but you do it so damn well. Not to mention the fact that the associate producers also schedule homeowners, facilitate deliveries, and sweet talk companies into giving us discounts and free stuff for very little exposure on the show. It’s a tough job, and you guys ROCK at it. Thank you Josh, Jess, Arielle, Eduardo, Brian, Other Jess, Jen, Brad, and the OG Todd and Dylan.

Making TV is not easy. Construction is a tough job. Doing both at the same time, in two days, is damn near impossible. But we did it. We did it 117 times over 4 years. And I am proud of that. And I thank you.

🗓️ June 22, 2010 🏷️ Dont Sweat It 🏷️ Television
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