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Create Project Codes With Shortcuts Banner Image Create Project Codes With Shortcuts Counting is hard. Make the computer do it. When you have as many projects going on as I do, things get confusing pretty fast. Ok, maybe I have too many projects, but that’s another issue πŸ—“οΈ March 19, 2023 🏷️ Shortcuts🏷️ Automation🏷️ Obsidian🏷️ Omnifocus Clean Up Your Shortcuts Library Banner Image Clean Up Your Shortcuts Library So. Much. Junk. I have a lot of Shortcuts. Like hundreds. And most of them are old, outdated, broken, or designed around apps I no longer use. I needed a way to πŸ—“οΈ March 1, 2023 🏷️ Omnifocus🏷️ Shortcuts🏷️ Automation Using Personal Project Codes Overkill? Maybe. Useful? Absolutely I’ve been playing around with using project codes for years. Using a code instead of just a name makes sure that it is unique and easily searchable. πŸ—“οΈ January 31, 2023 🏷️ Omnifocus🏷️ Shortcuts🏷️ Automation🏷️ Obsidian Get Apple Mail Into Omnifocus Banner Image Get Apple Mail Into Omnifocus It's 2023 and there is still no Mail share sheet. Yes, Omnifocus has a maildrop service where you can forward an email to a super-secret address and that email will show up as a task in your πŸ—“οΈ January 27, 2023 🏷️ Omnifocus🏷️ Shortcuts🏷️ Automation IFTTT to Mastodon Test These instructions are for Zapier, but I did it with IFTTT. Methods are the same. I was thinking of a way to test this, and figured hey – might as well just put up a link post to the tutorial. πŸ—“οΈ December 5, 2022 πŸ”— 🏷️ Automation🏷️ Mastodon🏷️ IFTTT🏷️ Linked List Window Magic with Keyboard Maestro Banner Image Window Magic with Keyboard Maestro We don't need no stinkin window manager There are lots of tools in the world that can manage your windows on the Mac. If you're a Keyboard Maestro user, maybe you don't need any other tools. πŸ—“οΈ August 16, 2021 🏷️ Mac🏷️ KeyboardMaestro🏷️ Automation Apple's Home Strategy Banner Image Apple's Home Strategy Apple's home strategy is basically Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― Let's talk about Apple's strategy for the connected home. Spoiler alert: there isn't one right now. πŸ—“οΈ March 17, 2021 🏷️ Apple🏷️ Home🏷️ Automation Saving Instagram Posts to the Blog Banner Image Saving Instagram Posts to the Blog Just in case Facebook goes away I’m not a super heavy Instagram user, but I do occasionally post. When I do, I like to save what post to this blog. Why? Maybe because I’m not a πŸ—“οΈ November 1, 2018 🏷️ Instagram🏷️ Shortcuts🏷️ iOS🏷️ Automation🏷️ Jekyll Emoji Tags in Workflow Banner Image Emoji Tags in Workflow We don't need no stinking tags I love the Workflow app. It’s simply the most powerful automation tool on iOS. Workflow, along with Working Copy and 1Writer, are what keeps my blog πŸ—“οΈ November 21, 2016 🏷️ Automation🏷️ Workflow🏷️ iPad🏷️ iPhone WWDC Week of Wants, Vol 4 Banner Image WWDC Week of Wants, Vol 4 Today's Ramblings: Home Whatever happened to HomeKit? When HomeKit was announced in 2014, it showed a lot of promise. Having one way to interface with all the fiddly bits πŸ—“οΈ June 10, 2016 🏷️ Apple🏷️ HomeKit🏷️ Automation🏷️ Siri🏷️ Echo🏷️ WWDC Using Your Apple Watch To Trigger Your Screensaver Banner Image Using Your Apple Watch To Trigger Your Screensaver Do more with that little computer on your wrist I sometimes work in a corporate-y office. I also tend to walk around a lot, and leaving your computer unlocked can be dangerous. Naturally, I have a πŸ—“οΈ May 27, 2015 🏷️ Apple Watch🏷️ Mac🏷️ Automation🏷️ Launch Center Pro🏷️ iOS🏷️ Dropbox🏷️ Hazel Using Keyboard Maestro for Print Layout in Sketchup Banner Image Using Keyboard Maestro for Print Layout in Sketchup In my β€œreal job” as a carpenter, I use SketchUp pretty heavily to do quick and dirty drawings and 3D models to visualize complex pieces. This is a πŸ—“οΈ May 9, 2014 🏷️ Keyboard Maestro🏷️ Automation If THIS, then THAT Banner Image If THIS, then THAT Do you internet? If you do, you should check out If This Then That. IFTTT rhymes with β€œlift” without the L if you ever find a need to say it out πŸ—“οΈ February 22, 2014 🏷️ Automation🏷️ Hazel🏷️ IFTTT
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