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Happy Announcaversary, iPhone

Not much to say about this, but 16 years ago the iPhone was introduced at MacWorld Expo 2007.

I was a recent Mac convert at the time after using Windows through the dark 90s of the Mac. In 2006, Macs started using Intel processors which meant I could still run Windows when I needed, so I switched back.

I was a dedicated Palm user1, using Missing Sync to get contacts and calendars and stuff onto my phones. I was intrigued by the iPhone, but wasn’t totally sold. I was perfectly happy with my Palm Treo 700 and my iPod Nano.

Launch day came and went. I didn’t buy a phone, despite my love of the Mac and iPod. But then I started seeing people around me using iPhones and started getting the itch.

I finally broke down and bought one on Halloween.

  1. Treos were better than Blackberries. Fight me. 🥊↩︎

🗓️ January 9, 2023 🏷️ Apple 🏷️ iPhone
CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 © 2007-2023 Jimmy Little Support me on Ko-fi