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My 2023 Home Screen Banner Image My 2023 Home Screen My setup to kick off 2023 It’s kind of a thing in our circles to share our home screens periodically, and I haven’t done it in a long while. I’m going to try to make a habit 🗓️ January 11, 2023 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPhone Happy Announcaversary, iPhone Banner Image Happy Announcaversary, iPhone 16 Years of iPhone Not much to say about this, but 16 years ago the iPhone was introduced at MacWorld Expo 2007. I was a recent Mac convert at the time after using 🗓️ January 9, 2023 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPhone Should Apple Split The iPhone Launch? Banner Image Should Apple Split The iPhone Launch? (no.) I think it's time that Apple split the annual iPhone launch up, and now is a great time to do it. 🗓️ May 2, 2022 🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Rumors Going Green Banner Image Going Green It's actually pretty easy bein'... Oh, never mind. Today, Apple did what they do in September. They announced new iPhones and some other stuff. Here are some of my quick thoughts after watching the event, mostly on mute with closed captioning, while at work. I'll breeze through this, mostly in order. 🗓️ September 10, 2019 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPhone Folding Phones Are Coming Banner Image Folding Phones Are Coming Cool concept, but I'll wait. Folding displays will become a thing some day. Right now, it's early days. A folding phone is basically 2 phones hinged together by a flexible screen. Double the thickness, double the weight 🗓️ February 24, 2019 🔗 Via Huawei 📷 Huawei 🏷️ Phone🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Linked List That Damn Notch Banner Image That Damn Notch A dead-simple way I'm dealing with the iPhone X "I switched the sidebar of the site to a dark color last week. It's a small change, but I think it sets off the content better than the previous sea of white. Here's how easy it is..." 🗓️ February 14, 2019 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Jekyll The iPhone 5S Banner Image The iPhone 5S My favorite phone, still. I know, I know. The iPhone 5🅂 is OLD. It first came out in 2013. I remember convincing my girlfriend (now wife), to wait in line with me at the 🗓️ November 1, 2018 🏷️ [Apple🏷️ iPhone] FaceID Might Be a Thing Banner Image FaceID Might Be a Thing In the latest public beta of iOS, the TouchID interface changed from a solid white panel that slid up from the bottom to a full screen blurred 🗓️ July 28, 2017 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPhone Emoji Tags in Workflow Banner Image Emoji Tags in Workflow We don't need no stinking tags I love the Workflow app. It’s simply the most powerful automation tool on iOS. Workflow, along with Working Copy and 1Writer, are what keeps my blog 🗓️ November 21, 2016 🏷️ Automation🏷️ Workflow🏷️ iPad🏷️ iPhone DongleGate Banner Image DongleGate When a dongle, isn't. A lot has been said over Apple’s recent move away from “legacy” ports. Laptops are USB-C, the headphone jack is gone from the iPhone, and everyone’s 🗓️ November 5, 2016 🏷️ Apple🏷️ Mac🏷️ iPad🏷️ iPhone iOS and tvOS Playing Nice Banner Image iOS and tvOS Playing Nice When you control the stack... Just noticed a nifty thing watching Netflix’s Luke Cage tonight on my AppleTV. If you enter a search box, you get a push notification on your phone 🗓️ October 3, 2016 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPad🏷️ iPhone🏷️ AppleTV On the iPhone 7 Plus Banner Image On the iPhone 7 Plus A few off-the-cuff impressions, unedited After a few days with the new phone, I have some thoughts… iTunes backup from old phone and restore to new phone was painless for the first time 🗓️ October 1, 2016 📷 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPhone Apple's September Event Banner Image Apple's September Event It's pronounced bo-kay Tomorrow is Apple’s big fall event, and we’re all expecting new iPhones. I sat out last year’s upgrade for the first time ever, so I’m certainly 🗓️ September 6, 2016 📷 🏷️ Apple Watch🏷️ iPad🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Apple WWDC Post Roundup Banner Image WWDC Post Roundup My thoughts and rants on WWDC 2016 I wrote a lot more than I usually do this week in the lead-up to WWDC. Here are all the posts all on one page. I didn’t even have time to write 🗓️ June 13, 2016 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPad🏷️ iPhone WWDC Week of Wants, Vol 5 Banner Image WWDC Week of Wants, Vol 5 The not-iPhones New software for the last few WWDCs have focused heavily on the iPhone. This makes sense, because the iPhone is such a huge part of Apple’s 🗓️ June 11, 2016 📷 Seriously, Apple? You can do better. 🏷️ Apple Watch🏷️ iPad🏷️ iPhone🏷️ WWDC🏷️ Apple WWDC Week of Wants, Vol 3 Banner Image WWDC Week of Wants, Vol 3 Today's Ramblings: Keyboards Ever since third-party keyboards arrived with iOS8, things have pretty much been a mess. Here are some quick thoughts and wants, from my 🗓️ June 9, 2016 🏷️ WWDC🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPad🏷️ iPhone My Social Apps - 2016 Edition Banner Image My Social Apps - 2016 Edition I’ve been converting my Squarespace blog over to Jekyll. It’s been fun learning new things (including basic Javascript and Ruby), and seeing old 🗓️ May 2, 2016 🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Apps🏷️ Social Richard Clarke Talks Encryption Banner Image Richard Clarke Talks Encryption 'Not as interested in solving the problem' Richard Clarke, former National Security Council leader and security advisor to Clinton, Bush and Obama, in an interview with NPR If I were in the 🗓️ March 15, 2016 🔗 NPR 🏷️ Apple🏷️ Encryption🏷️ FBI🏷️ Privacy🏷️ iPhone 'Tim Cook: A Dangerous Precedent' Banner Image 'Tim Cook: A Dangerous Precedent' Apple vs. the FBI Round 2 In an open letter on the Apple Web site, Tim Cook lays out his case against helping the government unlock an iPhone: The government suggests this 🗓️ February 17, 2016 🔗 Apple 🏷️ Apple🏷️ FBI🏷️ Privacy🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Encryption Apple September Event Banner Image Apple September Event Regarding tomorrow’s Apple event at the Flint Center in Cupertino… Well, I’ve put it off yet again. In about 12 hours, all will be revealed. 🗓️ September 9, 2014 🏷️ Apple🏷️ iPhone The White iPhone Conspiracy Banner Image The White iPhone Conspiracy OK, it may be a little out there, but here’s my take on the situation… First, Apple says the phone will be available in white or black, just like 🗓️ June 23, 2010 🏷️ iPhone Happy Birthday iPhone Banner Image Happy Birthday iPhone - In June. Why the early celebration? On March 6th (a week late, I might add), Steve Jobs from Apple had another event. This 🗓️ March 6, 2008 🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Micro The iPhone is my gadget of the year, easily. Banner Image The iPhone is my gadget of the year, easily. I know, more iPhone talk. I’m thinking of making a whole section about it. But this is the end of the year, and this is the best thing I spent 🗓️ December 28, 2007 🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Micro Almost Love Banner Image Almost Love I love Apple Computers. I love my iPods. I love my Apple TV. I really, really like my iPhone. Why can’t this be love 🗓️ November 10, 2007 🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Micro No iPhone for Me Banner Image No iPhone for Me Let’s face it: iPhones are cool. They are 90% of what I’m looking for in a phone. But I won’t buy one - yet. And that’s saying a lot from a guy like 🗓️ July 2, 2007 🏷️ iPhone🏷️ Micro
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